When Buyers Knock

A guide for entrepreneurs who are considering whether to sell or scale their business and how to maximize potential exit value.

This eBook is a work in progress. If you see dummy text on a page, it means I'm still working on it. Subscribe below to get email updates as new chapters are released.

The Reason For This Book

I sold my software business, ZoomShift, to a private equity company in 2020. I vividly remember the feelings, stress, and questions I had going through the process.

Now I'm an M&A advisor—brokering through QuietLight.com, and have helped many entrepreneurs exit well.

This is the book I wish I had before selling my business.

I'm writing this to share my learnings from personally working on dozens of deals and getting an inside look at many more.

My hope is that hundreds of internet entrepreneurs will be able to successfully sell their businesses using this book as their guide.

I'm also hoping that a handful of great entrepreneurs decide to work with me as their M&A advisor. I can only work with a few folks a year, so this serves as a way to share my knowledge without working directly with me.

Unlike other resources, this book was specifically created to help you navigate when buyers reach out and you are at a fork in the road—deciding if you should scale or sell.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please email me at jon[at]jonhainstock.com.


Evaluating Buyers

Clarify buyer intent and credibility before wasting your time with tire kickers.


Evaluating Your Options

Determine a realistic valuation based on current market comps and timeless value drivers.


Running a Process

How to run an effective process with buyers and increase the likelihood of getting multiple offers.


Transitioning Well

How to transition your business well and handle issues post close.
